Baby Shower-ness (a preview)

‘Tis the season for my friends to follow suit and have babies. In the last month, I’ve had baby showers scheduled for two of the five Saturdays this month. While I had to miss one of them, I was able to attend and take some photos of the other. My dear friend, Kate, was given a…

Grace Upon Grace

Sunday, the last day of Hutchmoot, found me sitting in the third pew from the front, on the left hand side of Redeemer’s sanctuary, participating in the service. This was my first time worshiping through a traditional liturgical style, and I was amazed by its vibrancy as I stepped into the current of listening and…

An Impromptu Session

…Because sometimes it’s difficult to summarize a walk with a new friend and her little one, where we enjoyed a classic green, gold, and blue October morning, talked as we walked, and took time to watch our tiny people discover each other and the small patch of earth around them.

Heavens Declare

The heavens declare the glory of God;     the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech;     night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words;     no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,     their words to the ends…

Welcome home

Crisp mornings, clear golden sunlight, and the prevalence of asters and goldenrod all indicate that autumn is coming into its own. Stepping into this coming season is an awakening and a home-coming: to adventuring outdoors after a long humid summer spent mostly inside; and to a subject and photographic style I enjoy most. Last week,…

But Sparkly

Me: Want to see what a heavily dewed dandelion looks like? Jason: Like a wet cat. Me: …But sparkly! And there, ladies & gentlemen, you have an accurate, if brief, summary of our personalities. – – This morning, gorgeous golden light, paired with a heavy dew over a small valley of wildflowers, made for a beautiful…

Late Summer Taste

Basil is why I garden. Tomatoes are why Jason gardens. (The rest of the produce –which this year is not much– is icing on the cake.) As a result, most of our meals from late August through early September include some one or both of the aforementioned basil and tomato. For instance, we combine tomato, basil, fresh…

Salad Days

No, this isn’t penance for the (ehem…mass…) amounts of chocolate pecan pie that we consumed last weekend. It’s just the daily simple salad I make for lunch and eat alongside some hummus and wheat thins most days. The other day I happened to set it down on the counter next to the sink and discovered…


Recently, I’ve been walking stooped over, neck bent, and arms hanging straight down so little fingers can grab onto my hands. It feels somewhat like a regression to an earlier stage of human locomotion, at least according to the popular “evolution of man” posters, though it actually marks Rowan’s steadfast intent to walk upright. So, for…